Youth Opportunities Unlimited

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Resume Writing with Willory

Published on November 21, 2022

A large part of our volunteer engagement at Youth Opportunities Unlimited occurs when professional members of the community come to our Jobs for Ohio’s Graduates (JOG) classrooms and support our students with editing and building their resumes. Resume writing is a critical part of the programs curriculum; all students are required to have one before the program is completed.

On Wednesday, November 16, we had a very successful resume support session at Max Hayes High School. Our outstanding partner Willory provided a dozen volunteers who spent the entire day with our youth interviewing over 100 students across 7 classrooms. Willory is an HR and payroll staffing & consulting firm focused on empowering people through job placements, direct hire and temporary staffing, and HR technology consulting. They discussed careers in the human resources industry that do not need a college degree and pay a living wage.

For a lot of students this was their first time even thinking about writing a resume so the 1 on 1 time was really beneficial in helping the students to start to think about their current experience and getting it on paper.

Willory is a long-time partner and supporter of Y.O.U. their team has a strong culture of giving back. Willory believes in empowering people. They believe that when they empower people, our communities thrive. Earlier this year they pleged to that for every placement or project kick-off, they will donate $200 to Youth Opportunities Unlimited

One Willory volunteer shared that, “The opportunity to work with the students at Max Hayes on creating, improving, and enhancing their resume was fantastic. Through the process, we discussed what makes them unique, their skills, and how their experience aligns to their goals.”