Youth Opportunities Unlimited

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All Y.O.U. summer interns pass Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Exam

Thursday, July 6, 2023

The 2023 summer Y.O.U. internship cohort is off to an impeccable start with all teens passing their Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Exam, with a class average score of 89%. This is the third year Y.O.U. has offered this training and the fourth cohort of students completing it. Lean Six Sigma is one of multiple nationally recognized certifications the Y.O.U. internship program provides to the high school interns. Interns also have the opportunity to complete OSHA 10, HIPAA training, the ServSafe Food Handler Certification, and CPR/First Aid.

In this training, interns learn how to define a problem properly, taking time to understand its true nature from all angles. They obtain these skills through an interactive and fast-paced training session with Dr. Ellen Burts-Cooper, PhD, the esteemed senior managing partner of Improve Consulting and Training Group and an instructor at Case Western Reserve University’s Weatherhead School of Management. The interns look at a process from the customer’s point of view, use basic analytical techniques to identify root causes, produce solutions to problems, and make sure processes are controlled.

When companies work with the Y.O.U. interns, they are often surprised the teens already have the highly sought after certification that many adults obtain to prove their performance in team projects and to solve localized problems. One company that ended up hiring their Y.O.U. intern had to pay them more because of their yellow belt certification. Y.O.U. is proud to provide young people with opportunities to explore careers and advance economically.

Certification training for interns is made possible by a generous grant for the Harvard Business School Club of Northeastern Ohio.