Youth Opportunities Unlimited

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40th Anniversary: Today and the Future

Youth Opportunities Unlimited is the only organization in the region whose sole purpose is to provide workforce development services for youth. We’re in the schools and in the community.

There are four pillars of all Y.O.U. programs:
• Job readiness training
• Career exploration activities
• Coaching and mentoring from a caring adult
• Paid work experience

We measure success by:
• Being a quality pipeline for young adults entering careers in high demand industries
• Holistically preparing teens and young adults to pursue a path toward a meaningful future in partnership with schools, employers and agencies
• Advocating systemic changes that end structural racism and other inequalities perpetuating poverty
• Leveraging partnerships to engage and serve more youth in ways they deem most relevant and effective

Y.O.U. is expanding its reach by being an anchor partner in the PACE (Planning and Career Exploration) program in the Cleveland Metropolitan School District. PACE introduces all students to career possibilities at an early age and guides them as they develop the confidence, knowledge, skills and relationships required to achieve their goals. Y.O.U. is providing work-based learning opportunities, coaching and instruction to all CMSD high schools.

Y.O.U. has also been chosen to be the organizational home and fiscal agent of the Greater Cleveland Career Consortium (GCCC), an unprecedented collaboration of industries and employers, youth-centered organizations, K-12 and higher education, philanthropy and government. The vision is for the GCCC to expand the PACE model throughout the region so employers have a pipeline of skilled workers and our area’s youths have opportunities for family-sustaining careers.

Originally shared in Crain’s Cleveland Business

April 23, 2022 05:00 AM